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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

AUDIO: Getting Started with Video Marketing

With the popularity of video sharing websites and the growing prevalence of video content on the web, you may be wondering how you can leverage this great media to expand your reach and get new business. And if you aren't wondering yet, start wondering!

Well, I had a chance to speak with an internet marketer who's been specializing lately on video marketing, and you can listen to our audio training call here. Some of the things we addressed were:
  1. What are the basics of video marketing? How can sites like YouTube get you more business?
  2. What are some best practices for quickly and efficiently making videos and getting them out to as wide an audience as possible.
  3. How can you offer video marketin services to your clients as a package when you launch websites for them.
  4. If you are approached to build a video website by a client, what are some key features you want to recommend for the site.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

AUDIO: Getting Started with Video Marketing

With the popularity of video sharing websites and the growing prevalence of video content on the web, you may be wondering how you can leverage this great media to expand your reach and get new business. And if you aren't wondering yet, start wondering!

Well, I had a chance to speak with an internet marketer who's been specializing lately on video marketing, and you can listen to our audio training call here. Some of the things we addressed were:
  1. What are the basics of video marketing? How can sites like YouTube get you more business?
  2. What are some best practices for quickly and efficiently making videos and getting them out to as wide an audience as possible.
  3. How can you offer video marketin services to your clients as a package when you launch websites for them.
  4. If you are approached to build a video website by a client, what are some key features you want to recommend for the site.

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